Retro Gaming Interviews

July 23, 2018 | By | Add a Comment

I’ve made a bunch of games, and some of them are really old. I’m talking 30+ years old, which is a bit trippy really. Lots of people who played the games back then, are grown up now and love to reminisce about the good old days. And they were good. Fast forward and here I am, still making games and doing interviews about the good old games I’ve made.

Arcade Attack did a text and podcast interview with me a few weeks back and have just published it over on their site..

Text interview with Arcade Attack Retro Gaming!

Podcast interview with Arcade Attack Retro Gaming!

I also did an interview all about Bounder on the C64 for a cool C64 fanzine called FREEZE64.

FREEZE64 Issue 20.

If you’ve not checked out the game I’m working on, take a look over on our website. We have a cool avatar and wallpaper pack for signing up for our monthly newsletter 🙂

Immortal Darkness: Curse of The Pale King



Category: Interview, Stuff and Nonsense

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