Build and Deploy Your Marmalade App to Your Development Device.

May 21, 2013 | By | 7 Comments

NOTE:  Marmalade has been updated a few times since I wrote this guide.  They now have the HUB and stuff.  Some of the info below will still be relevant, but some probably wont be.

I’ve been playing with Marmalade, and needed to set up a bunch of iOS/Apple crap to get the whole thing working. There’s info out there on the web, but it’s scattered around. As I worked through this ridiculously complex and obtuse process, I made notes to share. Hopefully this will be useful to some poor, hapless programmer somewhere!

Build and deploy your Marmalade application to your development device.

This is for Windows. I have no idea about Mac and XCode.

Thee steps should be repeated for Ad Hoc or Distribution too.

Go to;
Sign in or create an account
Click first link "iOS Dev Center"
Under the menu "iOS Developer Program" (far right), click "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles"


You'll need a .certsigningrequest file.
	Run the Marmalade "Marmalade iPhone Sign Request" Tool
		All Programs -> Marmalade -> x.x -> Tools
	You'll need your name and email you used to register as a dev with Apple
	This tool will generate 2 files;

On Apple Dev Site ..

Click on "Certificates" in the top left menu.
Click on the [+] to add a new certificate

Make sure you have the Intermediate Worldwide Developer certificate installed.
	Click on the "Worldwide Developer Relations Certificate Authority" link.
	Download and "Open" the .cer file.
	Click "Install", and follow the Wizard.
		Use default settings and Click "Finish" when the cert has been added.	 

Select "iOS App Development" (or "App Store and Ad Hoc")
Click [Continue]
Read the instructions.
Click [Continue]
Click [Choose File], and find and select the "signingrequest.csr" file you just created
Click [Generate]
Read the instructions
Click [Download]
Find and open the ios_development.cer (or ios_distribution.cer) file you just generated
Install the cert, the same way you installed the "Intermediate Certificate", earlier
Copy the ios_development.cer file to your Marmalade certificates folder
Rename the copied ios_development.cer to developer_identity.cer (or distribution_identity.cer)

You're done with certs!


Click the [+] to add new App ID
Read the instructions
Enter name of the App
Make your feature selections.  Defaults should be Game Center and In-App Purchases, enabled.
Select the App ID Prefix
Select "Explicit App ID"
Enter "Bundle ID".  Usually something like; com.companyname.appname
Click [Continue]
Click [Submit]
Click [Done]


You must register the devices you want to deploy on.
Click [+] to add new device
Enter a name for your device
Enter the UDID for your device
Click [Continue]
Click [Register]

Provisioning Profile

Download and install the "iPhone Configuration Utility", from here;

Click [+] to add new Provisioning Profile
Read the instructions
Select "iOS App Development"
Click [Continue]
Select your App ID.  The ones you created earlier should be in the drop down menu
Click [Continue]
Select your certificate.
Click [Continue]
Select all devices you want to deploy the app to
Click [Continue]
Enter a Profile Name
Click [Generate]
Click [Download]

The provisioning Profile should be copied into the data folder in your project folder

Fire up MS Dev Studio
	Set your build configurations to "GCC ARM Release", and build and RUN your project
	The Marmalade System Deployment Tool should launch
		Click "Stage: Configuration" on the right
		Click [Add ], and give your config a name
		For your new config, work you way through the menu on the right and set everything up how you want
			Enter the App Bundle ID (
			Set the provisioning profile to the one you saved earlier to your data folder.
		Click [Save MKB] when you are done.
		Select App name under "Stage: Deployment"
			Select "Release" and "Package"
			Click [Run]
			An .ipa file should now exist in your deployments folder
				\project\build_project_vc11\deployments\Project Name\iphone\release			

Connect your iPad or iPhone to your PC
Find and double click the .mobileprovision file you just downloaded
This will launch the "iPhone Configuration Utility"
	Click [Add] in the top left
	For "Files of Type", select "Mobile Devices (.deviceinfo)", and navigate to your .deviceinfo file.  Click [Open]
	Click [Add] in the top left
	For "Files of Type", select "Mobile Application (.ipa)", and navigate to your .ipa file.  Click [Open]
	Select "Devices" from left menu
	Select your device on the left
	Click the "Provisioning Profiles" tab
	Select the provisioning profile and click [Install]
	Your device is now provisioned to run your app
	Click the "Applications" tab
	Select your game from the list and click [Install]
	Wait ...
	Your app should now be installed to your device

Category: Indie Games, Marmalade, Programming

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Comments (7)

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  1. Seth Allison says:

    In the Marmalade System Deployment Tool setup, where do you enter the App Bundle ID and provisioning supply?

    Thanks for this information, it has really helped.

  2. Chris says:

    Under Stage: Configuration, you should have 2 or 3 options. There should be a “Project Name” Generic Settings option and either an Android Specific Settings and/or an iOS, iPhone Specific Settings. Select the iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPos) Specific settings and scroll down the options that appear on the left hand side. You should see a text box that says App/Bundle ID, and one further down that says Provisioning Profile (Distribution requirement). Fill those in and you should be set.

  3. Randy says:

    Holy Crap ! That was a workout and it worked perfectly. Thank you so much for taking the time to help. Cheers !

  4. cormac says:

    The iphone configuration utility must be a different version to your instructions above!
    when I select Provisioning Profiles/Add a pop up window is looking for a file? Any idea?

  5. cormac says:

    HI I have followed every step until i get to Fire up MS Dev Studio- what is that? thanks

    • Chris says:

      MS Dev Studio is Microsoft Developer Studio. If you’re using Marmalade on PC you should be using Dev Studio. If not, not sure what to say.

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